
"Listening is basic and crucial because it is the soil out of which 
all the fruits of our human relationships grow"Norman Fischer

Welcome to Listen First Project! Momentum is building on the belief that each of us can make a transformative impact on society, one conversation at a time, simply by listening to one another, especially those we disagree with.

Change in our discourse starts with us; it starts with you. Together, we'll facilitate greater understanding, respect and cooperation by encouraging the timeless practice of listening. This is a cause much bigger than any of us, an opportunity to make a real difference.

During the 2014 midterm election season, we launched the Listen First, Vote Second campaign to directly target the most salient case of our failure to listen to those with whom we disagree, politics.

When you're ready to be part of a movement, sign the Pledge, read our Message, share the Video, get fired up about Listening, and donate.

Listening for a Change,

The LFP Team
"Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world; 
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead